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Your free listing for any business you own or manage includes the
* Business name
* Logo
* Location
* Short description
* Contact number
* Advertisement is linked to a category
* Links to your social media pages
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Ratings: 1
As a company started on a shoe string budget, we have always had a lot of respect for entrepreneurs. Our adverts are still free of charge and will always be. We also still offer full Platinum adverts for charities.
Any and all businesses are invited to join this site, one of the most
visited privately owned general information web sites. We have been in
the Information Directory market since 1994.
Please browse the site and see how you can improve your information ...
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Ratings: 0
Get a full page advert in one suburb and one category on the site, send free e-mails and more! Only R 7.00 per day!
Price: R 1 260.00
Number: MDLPREM0002
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Ratings: 130
Automatically Added by Online Booking
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Found: 60
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