This is the City's vibrant central business district where Capetonians work and play.
The area between TableMountain and Table Bay is known as the City Bowl. At its heart is the central business district, a relatively small area which, with a good pair of shoes and general sense of direction, can be comfortably done on foot! The City Centre has the Museum Mile, the CompanyGardens, Greenmarket Square, St George's Mall and much more.
Numerous excellent hotels, loft apartments, trendy restaurants and bars can be found in the heart of the city.
Sidewalk cafes and markets (look out for Adderley Street's famous fresh flower market), give the area a colourful and vibrant flavour and the city's workers enjoy nothing more than strolling and shopping during their lunch breaks.
The noon day gun, fired from Signal Hill at 12 noon, has become a much loved tradition and reverberates through the city's streets.
Entertainment is an event, performance, or activity designed to give pleasure or relaxation to an audience. The audience may participate in the entertainment passively as in watching opera, or actively as in computer games.